
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Get Me to the Church On Time

I’ll just come out and say it….I miss going to church. I have not been to church in so long that I can’t remember the last time I attended. Raised by Christian parents who brought my brother and me to church every week, I stopped regularly attending when I went to College. Like many college students, Saturday nights were spent at the local bars in Bloomington making it near impossible for me to lift my head Sunday mornings till…well, Sunday afternoon. I did attend some evening services in Bloomington and also attended some Campus Crusade meetings during the week, but I never felt welcomed into the “Christian Clique”. My faith has always been about what I believe in my heart and my personal relationship with Christ, rather than seeking the social non-hospitality of Christian youth groups. Now, that I work 6 days per week, my only excuses are (1) I work on Sundays and (2) Hoboken is 30% Roman Catholic, and the other 70% belong to the Church of St. Mattress. It doesn’t leave me much of a choice. If I wanted to find an Evangelical or Baptist church, I would have to travel into Manhattan for a Saturday night Service. My pastor back home sent me a list of recommended churches to visit in Manhattan. I have them saved onto my computer.

Here is the good news…I recently moved again within Hoboken so now I am sharing an apartment with a roommate. My expenses will be cut dramatically to the point where I will be able to quit my part-time spa job. This allows my weekends to free up. I’ll be free to attend church on Sunday mornings. Maybe I’ll be able to join a church choir again too. I have truly missed singing in choir and to have this back in my life would be really important to me. Now, I just need to figure out what church on my pastor’s list I should try first.


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