
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Why are there so many fire alarms sounding every 10 minutes in Bloomington?

Did you ever count how many fire or ambulance sirens you hear during any one day in Bloomington? I do. The other day I counted five. Five alarms at different times during the course of one Tuesday afternoon. What is wrong with the people in this town? Does no one know how to cook, put out their cigarette, blow out a candle, or even light a candle? Are people setting themselves on fire? What is the deal? A few weeks ago a fire truck went flying by me on Third Street and just the breeze from it almost knocked me down. I was like, “Hey buddy, where’s the fire?” Maybe people in Bloomington aren’t careless at all. Maybe somebody’s cat got stuck in a tree or maybe an elementary school is visiting the firehouse and the kids want to hear the alarm go off. Maybe, Quasimodo lives at the fire station and loooovvvvveeeessss to sound that siren!

The only time a fire truck comes around my town back home is when Santa Clause makes his annual appearance one Sunday afternoon in December to ride on top of the fire truck and hand out candy canes. That’s it. That’s the only time I’ve ever seen a Cherry Hill Fire truck, which is funny since Cherry Hill has a pretty large population of about 75,000 people living there.

So try it…start counting fire sirens during the day. I think something strange is going on. So friends, remember, stop, drop and roll!


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