D’ju Jew Brew?
What is a Jew Brew? As I scan over the Indiana University Events Calendar for the month of August, I noticed weekly meetings called "Jew Brew". Is this where all the East coast people get together to drink coffee or speed date? Or are they Jews on the verge of becoming witches and make a brew together? Or is this so called “brew” a new form of East Coast beer. I’m not Jewish, but I would like to go to one of these meetings to see what it’s all about. However, I don’t want to walk in feeling like Rosa Parks or something. Everyone looking at me with a look like…"Who let the Irish Lass in?" Back home I have many Jewish friends and have been invited to numerous sader dinners and Bat-Mitzvahs. I’ve dated a few Jewish guys and have “hooked up” with numerous Jewish boys over the years (Best Kissers on Earth, I might add…FYI). I am an East Coast person wishing to become part of an East Coast group. Jew Brew and Hillel is a NJ connection for me. C’mon we can talk about Dunkin Donuts, the
Let’s see, if I look on the Hillel website it says:
Jewishness? I can be very Jewish. My last name is Halpin so I’ll just change it for the meetings to Halpern. I love
Ok, let’s read further…According to the events calendar ad, this week’s get together says:
Free Starbucks????? Holy gelfilte fish…I’m in!
Suggestion for next weeks Jew Brew:
Come get a caffeine buzz on Hillel’s dime and meet Tara, the Gentile. She’ll be hanging out at the Starbucks on